Happy dogs are rescue dogs, rescue dogs are happy dogs, happy dogs play, happy dogs love…

When it comes to rescue dogs, the question is, who really rescues who?

In conversation with my dear friend Chelsea who rescued the three dogs pictured below, from left to right, Chance, Mercedes, and Olive, I believe the answer was discovered with her reply. “They just love you no matter what you’re going through and they’re always excited to see you. They are peacemakers and they don’t want to see you upset. Plus, they add a lot of cuddle time to your life”.



Chance and Mercedes are both pit bulls. We all know that pit bulls have a bad rap in the community at large due to how they are raised and what they are raised for, typically making them less likely to be rescued. Love does not discriminate though, and that goes for well raised dogs also; no matter what the breed, a loved dog, loves…

I hope this compels you to consider adopting a dog if you’re looking for a new pet for your home. After all, sometimes we are the ones in need of rescuing.

Thanks for visiting, and remember, the love that inspires us, inspires the love in others.

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